Facebook Google+ Twitter Growing Medical Tourism in Latin America Latin America has long been a popular medical tourism destination for cosmetic and plastic surgical procedures, cosmetic dentistry, plastic reconstructive… 0 01.03.10
Facebook Google+ Twitter Benefits of Traveling to Mexico for Health and Wellness Abroad Mexico is a leader in providing certified, accredited and affordable health care abroad in a large number of medical fields… 3 28.02.10
Facebook Google+ Twitter Finding Antiaging Facilities Abroad From cosmetic surgery in Argentina to affordable cosmetic surgery in Croatia, help is out there. Some of the best cosmetic… 0 06.02.10
Facebook Google+ Twitter Quality, Safety, and Medical Tourism Medical tourism is here to stay, and has fast become an affordable and logical resource for medical services in the… 1 22.01.10
Facebook Google+ Twitter Defying Age: Safe and Effective Anti-Aging Treatment Options Affordable age management techniques can be found at Grand Resort Bad Ragaz in Switzerland to the Yanhee Hospital in Bangkok,… 1 09.01.10
Facebook Google+ Twitter Traveling to Thailand for World-Class Medical Care Rising healthcare costs and the desire for more choices when it comes to medical care drives thousands of travelers around… 1 13.12.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Health and Wellness in South Africa South Africa, and Cape Town especially provide some of the best surgeons and facilities for a variety of treatments and… 0 08.12.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Cosmetic Dental Care in Turkey Certified and accredited healthcare providers are available around the world, if you just know where to look. 4 07.12.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Today’s Medical Options: Health Care Abroad PlacidWay, a medical tourism portal based in Denver, Colorado, provides a timely and respected source of medical travel information regarding… 1 12.11.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter New Technologies In Cosmetic And Plastic Surgery Individuals utilizing newer and advanced liposuction technology benefit from more precise surgery, reduced recovery times and less soreness and pain… 2 26.10.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Turkey Generating Global Medical Tourism Turkish physicians and surgeons offer high class care and expertise to natives and international travelers. The majority of Turkish physicians… 0 12.10.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Expats Going Home For Medical Care More expatriates are returning to their native countries for medical care. This trend is due in part because of increased… 1 07.10.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Medical Tourism Making Waves in Global Health Care When it comes to medical tourism, it's nice to have answers. One of the first thing that crosses the mind… 2 24.09.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Panama Medical Tourism Options: Finding the Fountain of Youth Health and medical tourism in Panama offers world-class and high-tech medical treatments in a multitude of fields including but not… 1 02.07.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Medical Tourism in Mexico: Is It Safe? Americans and other travelers arriving in Nuevo Progreso in Tamps, Mexico have remarked on how safe they feel in the… 0 04.06.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter No Better Time for Cosmetic Surgery Abroad Cosmetic and plastic surgery and most cosmetic dental treatment procedures are not covered by medical health insurance in the United… 0 03.06.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Argentina-the Go to Place for Medical Care Abroad Already famous for cosmetic surgical procedures, Argentina has expanded its reputation for quality service and specialized medical experts for those… 0 31.05.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter The Land Down Under Seeks the Far East for Cosmetic Surgery Abroad Medical travelers looking for any type of surgery abroad, and that goes for obesity or bariatric surgery, LASIK treatment abroad,… 0 28.05.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter The Untold Benefits of Medical Tourism Explore your options. Don’t think that you have to receive treatment at your local hospital. Your medical care can be… 4 22.04.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Benefits of Medical Tourism in Turkey Medical tourism in Turkey offers patients from around the world high-tech equipment, excellently trained doctors and surgeons, and kind and… 0 13.04.09