

When Is It Time For Scoliosis Surgery?

Scoliosis surgery has helped many people to lead better lives, yet sometimes, it’s not the right solution. When trying to make the right decision about whether or not to have scoliosis surgery see here some guidelines that can help.

time for scoliosis surgery placidway

Cobb angle

This is an X-Ray scoliosis test, curve measurement procedure and is not always precise. Studies have concluded that there can be up to 5¡ margin of error in either direction when one doctor measures the same x-rays twice. There can even be a difference in measurement from am to pm. One should probably never base their scoliosis surgery decision on progression (or lack of it) in a single year, unless the scoliosis progression is exponential.

The Angle of your largest curve

Most reputable scoliosis surgeons recommend surgery for patients whose curves are at least 50¡. Research shows that if your largest curve is under 50¡, there is a reasonable chance that it will not increase.

Scoliosis Age…

If you are more than 30 years old and have at least one curve >50¡ you should consider surgery.
In young patients, experts say that spinal cord curves increase 1¡ to 2¡ a year. So, if you have a 50¡ curve at the age of 20, you might have an 80¡ to 110¡ by the time you’re 50 years old. On the other hand, if you are 50 years old, with a 50¡ spinal curve, your decision will be a little harder. Of course, recovery from surgery differs from younger to older patients.

Spinal Curve Progression

You should monitor progress in your spine cord for two years or more. If you have significant pain or spine malfunction, curve measurement is meaningless.
Know that mild scoliosis or curves that have not progressed may never progress. So, if you’re living a normal life without a lot of pain, there’s a reasonable possibility that you will be able to avoid surgery.

Know the risks involved in spine surgery

Most people have good surgical outcomes, but the list of potential complications is long, and there is a reasonable chance that you will have at least one, especially if your age is 50+. Remember to get all the information from your spinal deformity surgeon for your particular problems.
Remember your age, general health, and choice of surgeon may reduce or increase your risks.

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Alexandra Brad

Categories:   India Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, Orthopedics Surgery Abroad


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