

Thinking About Obesity Surgery?

Thanks to modern technology and leaps in obesity surgical and weight loss procedures, people today have more choices when it comes to weight loss treatments, obesity surgeries or procedures than ever before. How do you know which one would be best for you, your lifestyle and your goals?

First, you have to know a little bit of the types of procedures available, in not only the U.S., but also countries abroad. Vertical banded gastroplasty is known as stomach stapling, in a procedure that section off a small portion of the upper part of the stomach. Individuals who choose this type of procedure are generally able to lose roughly 50% of excess weight within about 2 years.

Sleeve gastrectomy is performed for those with a body mass index over 50 and involves removing a portion of the stomach. A person may expect to lose between 30 and 35% of their initial body weight, or roughly 40 pounds in about a year.

Gastric bypass is a procedure that directly attaches a small portion of the stomach to the small intestine, a procedure that enjoys a high success rate. Patients lose between 60 and 70% excess body weight within a year.

Did you know that the same surgical procedure performed in the U.S. costs twice, if not more than, the same surgery in other countries? High costs of medical malpractice insurance passed on to consumers and different healthcare delivery systems are the reasons for this.

Bariatric or obesity surgeries in the U.S. can cost between $17,000 and $30,000. Those traveling to global destinations may enjoy savings of tens of thousands of dollars in such locations as Mexico, South America and India.

Find out more about weight loss procedures, surgeons, physicians and facilities around the world at

Categories:   Gastric Bypass Surgery Latin America, Health Tourism, India Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, Mexico Medical Tourism, Obesity | Bariatric Surgery Abroad, Weight Loss Programs


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