

Stem Cell Clinical Trial Phases Fast-Tracking in the U.S.

There’s no doubt about it – stem cell treatments, stem cell technology and stem cell procedures are soon going to be a common aspect of medical and health care, for all ages. Growing numbers of individuals are seeking stem cell based therapy, alternative or advanced forms of medical treatment, and travel to foreign destinations for such care.

Currently, the U.S. is conducting clinical stem cell trials currently in phase I, II and III in studies regarding stem cell therapy for chronic ischemic heart disease to fatal diseases affecting infants. The Food and Drug Administration knows these studies are slow going, but they have more experience conducting trials on drugs and foods than stem cell technologies. It takes time. Still, stem cell therapies for spinal cord injuries, diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders are on the fast track for trials tests.

Meanwhile, people from around the world, including Americans, are traveling to other parts of the world for stem cell treatments. Countries like the Ukraine, Germany, France, Mexico, India, China and Greece offer travelers stem cell therapy and treatments for chronic disease care to anti aging to cancer treatments.

The Institute of Cell Therapy in Kiev, Ukraine specializes in state-of-the-art biomedical technologies to treat the aftereffects of stroke, brain trauma, organ disease and multiple forms of cancer using stem cell rejuvenation models. From the best cancer treatment in Europe to stem cell facilities in Mexico such as the Integra Medical Center and Cellteam Biotechnology, people now have the option to choose for themselves.

For more information about stem cell technologies and facilities around the world, visit

Categories:   Chronic Disease Treatment, Health Tourism, India Medical Tourism, Medical Technology, Mexico Medical Tourism, Stem Cell Therapy


  • Posted: July 22, 2011 06:38

    Stem Cell Clinical Trial Phases Fast-Tracking in the U.S. …

    [...] Visit link: Stem Cell Clinical Trial Phases Q&#965&#1110&#1089k-Tracking &#1110n th&#1077 U.S. … [...]
  • Posted: July 22, 2011 07:18


    “Unnecessary risks are being taken by patients seeking the liberation treatment.” says Dr. Avneesh Gupte of the CCSVI Clinic. “It has been our contention since we started doing minimally invasive venous angioplasties nearly 6 years ago that discharging patients who have had neck vein surgery on an outpatient basis is contra-indicated. We have been keeping patients hospitalized for a week to 10 days as a matter of safety and monitoring them for symptoms. Nobody who has the liberation therapy gets discharged earlier than that. During that time we do daily Doppler Ultrasounds, blood work and blood pressure monitoring among other testing. This has been the safe practice standard that we have adopted and this post-procedure monitoring over 10 days is the subject of our recent study as it relates to CCSVI for MS patients.” Although the venous angioplasty therapy on neck veins has been done for MS patients at CCSVI Clinic only for the last 18 months it has been performed on narrow or occluded neck veins for other reasons for many years. “Where we encounter blocked neck veins resulting in a reflux of blood to the brain, we treat it as a disease,” says Gupte. “It’s not normal pathology and we have seen improved health outcomes for patients where we have relieved the condition with minimal occurrences of re-stenosis long-term. We believe that our record of safety and success is due to our post-procedure protocol because we have had to take patients back to the OR to re-treat them in that 10-day period. Otherwise some people could have run into trouble, no question.” Calgary MS patient Maralyn Clarke died recently after being treated for CCSVI at Synergy Health Concepts of Newport Beach, California on an outpatient basis. Synergy Health Concepts discharges patients as a rule without in-clinic provisions for follow up and aftercare. Post-procedure, Mrs. Clarke was discharged, checked into a hotel, and suffered a massive bleed in the brain only hours after the procedure. Dr. Joseph Hewett of Synergy Health recently made a cross-Canada tour promoting his clinic for safe, effective treatment of CCSVI for MS patients at public forums in major Canadian cities including Calgary. “That just couldn’t happen here, but the sooner we develop written standards and best practices for the liberation procedure and observe them in practice, the safer the MS community will be”, says Dr. Gupte. “The way it is now is just madness. Everyone seems to be taking shortcuts. We know that it is expensive to keep patients in a clinical setting over a single night much less 10 days, but it’s quite absurd to release them the same day they have the procedure. We have always believed it to be unsafe and now it has proven to be unsafe. The thing is, are Synergy Health Concepts and other clinics doing the Liberation Treatment going to be changing their aftercare methods even though they know it is unsafe to release a patient on the same day? The answer is no, even after Mrs. Clarke’s unfortunate and unnecessary death. Therefore, they are not focused on patient safety…it’s become about money only and lives are being put at risk as a result.” Joanne Warkentin of Morden Manitoba, an MS patient who recently had both the liberation therapy and stem cell therapy at CCSVI Clinic agrees with Dr. Gupte. “Discharging patients on the same day as the procedure is ridiculous. I was in the hospital being monitored for 12 days before we flew back. People looking for a place to have the therapy must do their homework to find better options. We found CCSVI Clinic and there’s no place on earth that’s better to go for Liberation Therapy at the moment. I have given my complete medical file from CCSVI Clinic over to my Canadian physician for review.”

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