

Periodontal Diseases – Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment

Periodontal diseases are infectious diseases caused by microbial flora form the mouth, affecting the gums and supporting tissue of the tooth. Periodontal diseases are dangerous when left untreated because they can lead to teeth loss in the long term.

Causes of Periodontal Diseases

Avoid Periodontal Diseases

The causes of periodontal diseases are numerous and diverse. Various factors are suspects, such as genetics, endocrine, psychological, environmental, occupational diseases, vicious habits, lifestyle and unhealthy food.

However, the most important factors are plaque and tartar – a prolific environment for bacteria. Periodontal diseases progress in three stages: gingivitis, shallow periodontitis and in-depth periodontitis. In the first phase, signs may appear such as gum inflammation, or gingivitis, manifested by changing the gum color to red purple, swollen papillae turning away from the teeth, sore, itchy gum bleeding when brushed.

Periodontal diseases gradually progress to deeper structures, the gums begins to pull the teeth and alveolar bone resulting in the so-called developing periodontal pockets.

How to prevent periodontal diseases?

In the initial stage of gingivitis, with impeccable hygiene and rigorous controls to the dentist, the gingivitis can be treated and even cured.

To maintain healthy teeth and gums, one must first take care of the rigorous hygiene of the mouth. Toothpaste and toothbrush are basic tools for cleaning teeth and oral cavity with mouthwash and dental floss.

How to treat periodontal diseases?

Periodontal disease treatment is complex and aims to slow down its progression. For treatment success, patient’s cooperation is essential.

Early treatment is very important, and its aims to prevent tissue damage, infection control, prevention,teeth mobilization . In addition, removing plaque from the teeth and their roots with professional help.

Depending on the seriousness of the periodontal diseases, your dentist decides a treatment program depending on the stages. In some cases, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are required.

Dental radiography is crucial in these cases because it shows the amount of bone loss around the teeth. The goal of periodontal treatment is to remove plaque and restore bacteria and normal gum size, thus eliminating the causes that led to periodontitis in the first place.

When bone defects around teeth are extensive, a bone addition is required to improve tooth stability.

Sometimes it is necessary and prosthetic treatments for periodontal diseases, which are represented by carefully conducted analysis and occlusal equilibration. In advanced stages of periodontal diseases,  surgery may be the only cure.

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Alexandra Brad

Categories:   Dental Tourism Abroad, Dental Vacations Europe, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Turkey, Mexico Medical Tourism


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