

LASIK Surgery Abroad: I Can See You Now

LASIK eye surgery is affordable, and it helps with a variety of vision impairments. Whether you have nearsightedness, astigmatism or are farsighted, laser surgery is quick, inexpensive and safe way to correct vision impairments in less than an hour. While LASIK is one of the more popular procedures, there are other common treatments such as:


·  Epi LASIK

·  PRK Surgery

·  Wavefront LASIK

·  LASIK Monovision


In fewer than 30 minutes, you can get one or both eyes done and have little to no discomfort. LASIK eye surgery also replaces the use of scalpels in such a sensitive area of the body, reducing the number of complications that result from more traditional surgical procedures.


LASIK eye surgery techniques can be expensive, especially for individuals without a vision health plan, but even in such cases, LASIK may be considered an elective procedure and may not be covered by many vision insurance companies.


Travelers who opt to benefit from lower prices abroad for cutting-edge LASIK technologies in countries like India, Turkey, Argentina or Mexico have options, such as those provided by facilities such as the Ahalia Foundation Eye Hospital in Kerala, India, or Acibadem Healthcare Group in Istanbul, Turkey, or the TRSC International LASIK Center in Bangkok, Thailand.


Don’t leave your vision unattended because you may lack insurance. The next time you find yourself traveling, research potential LASIK facilities near your destination for huge savings for quality services at PlacidWay, a growing medical tourism portal based in Denver, Colorado, providing reliable information on certified and accredited medical, dental and vision care options around the globe.

Categories:   India Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Turkey, Thailand Medical Tourism


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