

Considering Dental Surgery Abroad

Wondering what happened to that nice smile you used to have? On the other hand, if you were never happy with that smile, consider dental surgery abroad. For the best dental surgery abroad, consider dental clinics in Croatia, dental vacations in Turkey or the best teeth whitening in India. Some of the best dental treatments include affordable dental implants in Poland, or the services of dentists in Costa Rica. The world is, literally, your dental oyster.


Cosmetic dentistry is a field that includes, but is not limited to such services such as:


·         Repairing rough spots or chips

·         Filling cavities

·         Filling gaps between teeth

·         Bleaching teeth for a whiter, brighter smile

·         Covering and protecting broken teeth with porcelain crowns

·         Improving dental health and function through bonding, bridges, and dental implant


Cosmetic dentistry can be expensive, depending on the procedure. In the United States for example, implants may cost $1,200-$2,000 apiece. Bonding may cost $300-$600 a tooth, and crowns may cost anywhere from $800-$1,000.


Dental professionals and clinics in South America, Croatia, and Asia offer the same services for quite a bit less. For example, dental implants in India range from $750 to $1,200 and porcelain or metal crowns or bridges cost only $125 to $300 each. Travelers to Croatia can save at Dental Implants Croatia in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Travelers to Croatia will pay roughly $1,000 for dental implants and $430 for bleaching or teeth whitening procedures. Those traveling to Bangkok Dental Image in Thailand may find prosthodontics and dental treatments at a fraction of the cost as dental services in the U.S.

Categories:   Costa Rica Medical Tourism, Croatian Medical Tourism, Dental Tourism Abroad, Dental Vacations Europe, India Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Turkey, Thailand Medical Tourism


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