

Why Water is so Important for your Health

Most of us know that were supposed to get adequate amount of fluids every day. How many of us can actually say we drink the right amount? Do you even know how much water you’re supposed to drink every day? We fill our days with coffee, sodas, fruit punch, tea and other drinks, and while some of this does benefit, nothing offers as much benefit to the body as calorie-free, pure water. Sugars and sodium found in many other drinks don’t replenish our bodies with electrolytes lost through urine and sweat.

Without water, you can experience a variety of complications, the least of which is a headache.  Some people find that they experience more headaches or sluggishness if they’re dehydrated.  The problem is, medical experts tell us that once we feel thirsty, our body is already dehydrated.

Dehydration can lead to serious medical complications that include heat stroke, especially in warm weather if you perspire heavily, or if you’re engaged in vigorous exercise. Dehydration may cause anything from muscle cramps to a sensation of weakness, wobbliness, and sometimes, even fainting.

Prolonged dehydration can lead to kidney failure, or seizures caused by a disruption of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium and the blood. As a matter of fact, if you suddenly guzzle large amounts of water after a prolonged period of dehydration, you in may very well run the risk of cerebral edema, or literal swelling of the brain. Sound scary? It is. In some cases of prolonged dehydration, a person may fall into a coma or die.

Make sure that you ingest more fluids than you lose on a daily basis. Drink plenty of water every day, and 1 to 3 cups of water before you exercise, as well as afterward.  The Mayo Clinic recommends what they call the 8×8 rule, or eight 8-oz. glasses of water every day. Your body, your brain, and your energy levels will thank you.

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