

Video TeleHealth Options for the Future

One of the first questions that people ask when their considering traveling across borders or to international destinations for medical care is how medical records can be transferred safely and confidentially, and how to coordinate continuity of care between providers. Medical technology today offers a variety of options available to Internet connectivity.

Today, medically based video conferencing makes it possible to deliver healthcare services to not only those  experiencing limited access to medical services, programs and providers, but to share the caregiving experience as well as diagnostics and opinions between medical providers across  towns, states, and country borders. Your hip replacement in Jordan or your heart valve replacement surgery in Singapore is now safer than ever with the capabilities of direct communication between healthcare providers.

Computer integrated telephone and video systems are developing in a field of video phone technology that may help to provide seamless care between medical experts, consultants, surgeons and physicians around the world.  Patients will no longer have to carry hard copies of their medical records to foreign primary care providers or worry about translations or misinterpretations due to language.

Video phones and TeleHealth initiatives enable clinicians, physicians and consultants to directly interact not only with a patient’s primary caregiver, but the patient themselves. Videophone interventions may provide the answer for enhancing an improving accessibility to medical care, treatments and programs not only for individuals living in rural areas, but those requiring specialized diagnostics and treatment options.

PlacidWay, a growing medical care provider based in Denver, Colorado, seeks to offer international patients global opportunities for quality, patient-centered care, staying on top of medical technology developments that enhance the patient/provider experience, whether you’re traveling to Brazil or Croatia for expert medical care and procedures.

Categories:   Affordable Heart Surgery, Health Tourism, Hip Surgery Abroad, Jordan Medical Tourism, Medical Technology, Medical Tourism, Orthopedics Surgery Abroad


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