

Treating Orthopedic Injuries Abroad

Did you know that back and knee injuries are the most common, and cost workers in the United States over 400 million lost workdays. Multiply that by people around the world experiencing such joint or skeletal injuries and that’s a lot of people out of work or unable to perform daily tasks or enjoy activities.

What’s worse is the cost of repair joint injuries. Cruciate ligament repair via knee arthroscopy in the U.S. costs an average of $17,000 per knee. At the Madras Joint Replacement Center in Chennai, India, medical travelers may save up to 40%, paying just under $5,000 for the same procedure. In the U.S., a hip replacement procedure averages $45,000. The very same procedure in Poland costs just over $5,000, with a 50-60% savings, or roughly $7,000 in Turkey, and $6,000 in India.

Why are medical costs so high in the U.S. and so much less for the same surgery procedures abroad? Quite simply, different health care delivery systems. In the U.S., costs are also inflated for malpractice insurance, health policy premium profits and more.

Opting to have orthopedic surgery abroad, such as a hip replacement surgery or a rotator cuff surgery in Costa Rica can save you big bucks. Take your athletic injury to one of the best sports injuries programs in Croatia such as those found at Terme Selce. They treat Olympic athletes! Your medicals offer you the best in care, training and experience while saving thousands of dollars in medical care costs.

Know your options, at home and abroad. Treat your orthopedic injuries fast, and without putting you in the poor house for the rest of your life.


Categories:   Costa Rica Medical Tourism, Croatian Medical Tourism, Health Tourism, Hip Surgery Abroad, India Medical Tourism, Knee Surgery Abroad, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Turkey, Orthopedics Surgery Abroad


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