There is Life After Breast Cancer Fight For It!
There is Life After Breast Cancer
Fight For It!
Whenever we hear or read the word “cancer” we inevitably say in our minds ‘God forbid!’ and think about the health of our family, the close ones and, of course, ourselves.
Unfortunately, cancer can happen to each and anyone of us, even if we stay away from dangerous food, do sports and live, what we call, a healthy life. As October is the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month let’s tap into this subject a little.
When we think about cancer, we connect it with death. However, only if detected in a later stage cancer is deadly, so let’s not associate death with cancer. The only thing we have to do is to be careful at the symptoms and detect the cancer as early as possible. Do not choose ignorance!
Common Breast Cancer symptoms:
- A rash around (or on) one of the nipples
- A lump in a breast
- Pitting or redness of the skin of the breast; like the skin of an orange
- An area of thickened tissue in a breast
- A pain in the armpits or breast that does not seem to be related to the menstrual period
- The nipple-skin or breast-skin may have started to peel, scale or flake
- The size or the shape of the breast changes
- The nipple changes in appearance; it may become sunken or inverted
- One of the nipples has a discharge; sometimes it may contain blood
If you have any of these symptoms, you should immediately see your doctor and take the appropriate diagnostic tests: breast exam, X-ray (mammogram), 2D combined with 3D mammograms, breast ultrasound, biopsy or breast MRI scan.
What are the main causes of Breast Cancer?
- Getting older
- Genetics
- A history of breast cancer
- Estrogen exposure
- Obesity
- Alcohol consumption
- Radiation exposure
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Breast implants
Studies show that more and more women survive breast cancer. Women are informed, they are afraid and ashamed to ask for help, to ask questions, to seek support. Women have learned to fight for their lives and not just live with the impression that cancer has no solution. There is life after breast cancer! Fight for it!
Let us know if you found this “Cancer Free by CyberKnife® Alternative Cancer Treatment” useful. Tweet us @PlacidWay or comment below. – See more at:
Ana Savin
Categories: Cancer Treatment Abroad, Health Tourism, Medical Tourism
Posted: October 9, 2013 03:29
Adriana-Maria Bratosin
Posted: October 9, 2013 04:29
Dolores Tmk
Posted: October 9, 2013 05:29
Eliza Stanciu
Posted: October 9, 2013 13:00
Tegene Jote
Posted: October 9, 2013 21:30
Amanda Perry
Posted: October 10, 2013 17:57
There is Life After Breast Cancer Fight For It! | The Road to Healthville