Facebook Google+ Twitter Top 5 things for your New Year’s Resolution Feel free to choose one or all New Year’s Eve is just around the corner and all of us are… 2 28.12.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Cancer Free by CyberKnife® Alternative Cancer Treatment CyberKnife alternative cancer treatment - you should learn about this technique, which may save a life. See here my story. 0 21.12.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Cosmetic Surgery in Argentina With Monthly Installments Cosmetic surgery in Argentina - is it an exotic location or a real option to get a makeover? See here… 0 20.12.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Discover Your Potential with Sports Medicine Packages Love competing in sports or building endurance? If you think medical tourism abroad is just for surgical procedures – think… 0 16.06.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter One Man Discovers Bone Marrow Transplant Options Numbers of people who need a bone marrow transplant far exceed donors who can provide suitable bone marrow matches. 0 28.05.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Having Trouble Dealing with Life? Try a Detox! Do you always feel sluggish and tired, even after a good night’s rest? Every once in a while, some of… 0 24.05.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Fat Transfers and Anti Aging Stem Cell Therapy Tired of looking in the mirror and seeing what you see? Do you think your nose is too big, your… 0 11.05.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Da Vinci Technology Offers Surgery Benefits Have you heard of Da Vinci? No, not the famous painter, but the famous, high-tech robotic surgical equipment. 0 09.05.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Successful Addiction Rehab Programs Millions of people around the world are drug addicts. Not all of them want to get well, but some of… 0 22.04.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Saving Your Life through Bariatric Surgery Procedures Most people don't realize the dangers of obesity until they're sitting in their doctor's office receiving shocking news. 0 31.03.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Cosmetic Surgery Continues to be a Leader in Medical Tourism Industry Women and growing numbers of men around the world continue to seek the best cosmetic surgeons abroad. 0 28.03.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Rhinoplasty in South America Changes Outlook for Woman People unhappy with the shape of their nose can change the shape of many aspects of their nose by undergoing… 0 25.03.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter An Accredited Facility is Best for Your Medical Travels and Treatments For more information regarding accreditation and credentials of medical facilities abroad, visit PlacidWay.com. 0 20.03.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter British Woman Travels to India for Breast Cancer Therapy Kathryn, a 32-year old British citizen, was diagnosed with breast cancer. As a waitress, she had a health insurance policy,… 1 22.01.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Looking for a Better You? Just because you want to look better doesn't mean you have to go through extreme plastic or cosmetic surgery. 0 09.01.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Have You Ever Thought of Hungary as a Medical Tourism Destination? Whether you're looking for plastic surgery or dental care, Hungary offers accessible and affordable treatments for many neighboring country travelers. 0 04.01.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Stem Cell Therapies Offer Viable Hope Regenerative medicine has received boosts from stem cell research. 0 13.12.11
Facebook Google+ Twitter Bulgarian Man Walks and Talks again Following Brain Surgery for Tumor Stefan traveled to the Anadolu Medical Center in Turkey. Following his care there, he was able to once again walk… 1 12.12.11
Facebook Google+ Twitter Weight Loss Surgery South of the Border Weight loss surgical procedures are generally divided into three categories. 0 05.12.11
Facebook Google+ Twitter Safety First! PlacidWay, an international medical resource and provider based in Denver, Colorado, wants you to enjoy and benefit from your medical… 0 18.11.11