

Russian and Serbian Medical Tourism: The New Frontier

High quality and affordable medical care is found throughout Serbia. Many of the medical spas that offer treatments also offer guests top notch medical care, accommodations and peaceful surroundings to heal and enjoy the locale. Serbia is also increasing its appeal to Western travelers with substantial savings on medical treatments of 35-40% and comparable services to other medical hospitals found in the United States and Western Europe. With over 50 health resorts and 1,300 mineral baths, Serbia is growing as a popular medical destination for a variety of medical treatments, procedures, health spas and services.

For those seeking top-notch medical attention in exceptional medical facilities and spas, Russia is becoming a popular destination for those who are interested in undergoing a variety of medical procedures. At a fraction of the cost of many Western hospitals or medical spas, Russia offers competitive competence and quality to all patients, in addition to luxurious and therapeutic accommodations.  For those traveling to Russia, especially to St. Petersburg, for medical treatments or procedures, many facilities have the same quality, integrity and credentials as Western doctors and hospitals, often offering services for 40-80% less.

Russia offers numerous benefits to medical tourists, including drug and substance abuse rehabilitation methodologies at the Rehabilitation Clinics of Dr. Vorobiev, one located in Moscow, Russia and the Narcology Clinic in Belgrade, Serbia, that utilize new techniques with effective and long-term results. Medial tourism in Serbia and nearby regions are on the rise, especially for those originating in the Middle East, western Europe and England, though plenty of Americans, Asians and Latinos are also discovering the beauty, and medical bounty, to be found in formerly unfamiliar settings.

Categories:   Drug Addiction Therapy Abroad, Medical Tourism, Rehab Centers Abroad


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