

Rehab Treatment Offers New Hope

Starting over isn’t easy, but with physical and emotional help and support, it can be done. Drug treatment and rehabilitation centers are expensive and most have long waiting lists to get in. However, there are options for those seeking help and a new direction in life. Facilities such as Dr. Vorobiev’s drug rehab facilities in Mexico offer patients from around the globe opportunities that are not available at home.

Dr. Vorobiev, a highly respected leader in addiction therapy around the world, began his drug and substance abuse treatment programs in Russia. He soon expanded his services throughout Europe, and then into Mexico with his Rehab in Mexico facility. Dr. Vorobiev’s treatment center in Ensinada offers a variety of programs and methodologies including:

  • Detoxification clinics
  • Psychiatrist center
  • Holistic rehab centers
  • Drug addiction, including cocaine, heroin, marijuana
  • Behavior addictions like gambling and eating disorders

Rehabilitation for such addictions utilizes various methods of treatment, depending on the severity of the addiction, the age of the individual, the duration of the addiction as well as the mental outlook and behaviors of the person experiencing the addiction.

Combining methodologies of physical and physiological approaches to deal with addictions, Dr. Vorobiev’s clinics offer detoxification, which generally lasts two to four days, psychotherapy, and aversion therapy designed to create an intense dislike or distaste of the specific addiction a person is suffering from.

PlacidWay, a medical tourism portal based in Colorado, offers resources, education, information and substance abuse facility profiles that make finding affordable and private substance abuse clinics easier.

Categories:   Drug Addiction Therapy Abroad, Medical Spas, Medical Tourism, Rehab Centers Abroad


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