

Pushing the Envelope for Medical Care

Perhaps you know someone who traveled south of the border, or even across an ocean to receive medical care abroad. More people are traveling to locations like Mexico to receive immediate and excellent care for dental needs, weight loss procedures and treatments, and a variety of cosmetic and plastic surgery treatments that range from non-invasive to full-on face-lifts.

Still, Mexico isn’t the only medical tourism ‘hot-spot’ around – medical care facilities and providers in locations like Turkey, Croatia and other countries like Thailand, Singapore and India have created partnerships with major medical centers in Great Britain, Western Europe, and the United States.  South American providers are seeing a large influx of medical travelers seeking the best in cosmetic and obesity surgery procedures in Brazil and Argentina.

Locations throughout southeast Asia are hotspots as well for travelers from the Middle East and African continent regions for services including:

  • Dental care
  • Vision
  • Cancer treatments
  • Orthopedic technologies
  • Fertility treatments
  • Cardiac care
  • Cosmetic and plastic surgical procedures

If you don’t want to wait for healthcare prices to come down (and they won’t), and you need health care services or surgery now to enhance your range of motion, health and wellness, or for pain relief, check out your options abroad. Don’t forget to consider traveling abroad to deal with your medical that aren’t being met at home. Informative websites like offer detailed resources and accredited and certified medical facilities and providers around the globe.

Remember, you ARE worth it.





Categories:   Affordable Heart Surgery, Argentina Medical Tourism, Brazil Medical Tourism, Cancer Treatment Abroad, Chronic Disease Treatment, Cosmetic Surgery Abroad, Dental Tourism Abroad, Fertility Treatment Abroad, Health Tourism, India Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Turkey, Orthopedics Surgery Abroad, South America Medical Tourism, Thailand Medical Tourism


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