

PlacidMobile a Free iOS and Android Medical Tourism App by PlacidWay


Free iOS and Android Medical Tourism App by PlacidWay

Accessing global healthcare options via your smartphones and mobile devices!

PlacidWay Medical Tourism Services, announced the release of its newest innovation: PlacidMobile, an application specially designed for allowing consumers to access medical information from their iPhone/iPad and Android mobile devices faster than ever. PlacidMobile is based on the popular medical tourism website The launch of the phase 1 of this mobile application provides easy access to worldwide medical centers information; consumers can also request and book appointment for their medical services directly from their phones.

PlacidMobile, is a free app which aims to provide to consumers from across the globe, faster and easy access to quality international medical options. The first version of mobile app allows consumers to only search medical centers in different countries and also request free quotes based on their medical needs.

In the future, PlacidMobile will also help patients to search healthcare packages, price comparison, educational articles, renowned doctors, videos, among others resources required to make an informed decision while selecting the right medical services.

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Categories:   iOS and Android, Medical Tourism App


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