

New Trends in Treating HIV/AIDs with Stem Cell Therapies Abroad

Finding effective methods and therapies to treat AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) and HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) has been under way since the disease was first given a name back in the early 1980s. Nearly 40 million individuals around the globe are infected with HIV or AIDS, and treatments have focused on treating symptoms, while stem cell research treatments and stem cell therapies is focusing not only on improving quality of life, but reversal of the destructive process.

There are multiple stages of HIV, which range from acute infection to clinical latency, also known as the asymptomatic HIV infection period. The focus of most HIV treatments is to get the virus under control, improve patients’ immune system function and overall health and wellness. Today, advancements in stem cell technologies are improving control of viral and opportunistic infections, as well as treating the decreased immune system function through fetal or embryonic stem cell treatments.

New stem cell research for AIDS/HIV treatment regards increasing levels of CD4, CD3 and CD8 cells and lymphocytes in the body may offer hope to HIV and AIDS patients around the globe. Today, scientists and researchers at the University of California Los Angeles are working on and antiviral treatment utilizing stem cells that may hold the possibility of immunizing people against the virus.

Facilities such as ProgenCell in Tijuana, Mexico, or EmCell, located in Kiev, Ukraine, currently offer stem cell therapies treating symptoms as well as cellular structure. Stem cell treatment in Mexico and stem cell treatment in embryonic stem cell transplant procedures in the Ukraine are just a few of the rising numbers of stem cell research and treatment centers around the globe that strive to not only relieve HIV and AIDS symptoms, but to cure it.


Categories:   Medical Tourism, Mexico Medical Tourism, Stem Cell Therapy


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