New Laser Technology
Thanks to advances in laser technology, health providers strongly believe that invasive medical surgeries will soon become a thing of the past. Minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery and imaging technologies have provided tools and equipment for doctors and surgeons that reduce the need for large incisions or delivery of care. One of the world’s most recent discoveries are cosmetic and medical lasers.
Offering low level laser technology, laser procedures are the future of medical care and surgery. Laser therapy is destined to replace traditional surgical instruments, reduce healing time, cause less tissue and surrounding tissue damage and reduce the number of people experiencing infection, long recovery time and post-surgical infection.
Medical laser equipment includes:
- ERCHONIA® Laser scanners
- ZERONA® Body Sculpting procedure
- Smoothbeam 1450nm – diode laser used in treatment of acne
- Vbeam 595 nm – used in the treatment of vascular lesions, acne, and wrinkles
- AlexLAZR – used for tattoo removal, as well as removal of sun and age spots
- Surgical Holmium Laser for Urology
- Vortran 3-Beam Laser System
The list goes on. Laser technologies offer high quality and precise delivery of necessary treatments or procedures in the medical surgical field. Laser technologies are destined to change the scope and field of surgical procedures in multiple fields, including cancer treatment, cardiac care, obesity and bariatric surgical procedures, cosmetic and plastic surgical techniques and procedures, and repair and replacement of joints in orthopedic fields.
Locations throughout the globe are taking advantage of laser technology. Learn about the future by accessing information and resources in medical technology at PlacidWay. After all, the future is now.
Categories: Cancer Treatment Abroad, Cosmetic Surgery Abroad, Health Tourism, Medical Technology, Obesity | Bariatric Surgery Abroad, Orthopedics Surgery Abroad
Tags: acne, age spots, AlexLAZR, body sculpting, cancer treatment, cardiac care, cosmetic lasers, cosmetic surgery, delivery of care, endoscopic surgeries, endoscopic surgery, erchonia laser scanners, health providers, Holmium laser, imaging technologies, invasive medical procedures, joint repair, laparoscopic surgery, laparoscopic surgical procedures, laser procedures, laser technologies, laser technology, laser therapy, laster technologies abroad, low level laser technology, medical care, medical laser equipment, medical lasers, medical surgeries, medical surgical field, minimally invasive surgery, obesity and bariatric surgical procedures, orthopedic care, PlacidWay, plastic surgical techniques, post surgical infection, Smoothbeam 1540 diode laser, surgery, surgical instruments, tattoo removal, treatment of acne, urology, vascular lesions, Vbeam 595, wrinkles, Zerona body sculpting procedure
Posted: November 16, 2010 13:16
Laser Beauty Cosmetics | Laser Hair Removal | Skin Care | Plastic Surgery | Liposuction Surgery
Posted: November 18, 2010 06:32
Laser Beauty Cosmetics | Skin Care | Weight Loss