

MERS, the new virus that caught the world’s attention

Since 2012, an outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus has affected several countries, especially the Middle East. The virus, which causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), is a newly emerged beta coronavirus that was first identified in a ptient from Saudi Arabia in April 2012. Most infections with human coronaviruses are mild and associated with common colds. However, both MERS-CoV and SARS CoV (severe acute respiratory syndrome) are betacoronaviruses. MERS-CoV likely came from a camel in the Arabian Peninsula.

MERS is not MRSA

Do not confuse MERS with MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) which is a strain of staph bacteria that is resistant to the antibiotics normally used to treat such infections. MRSA affects patients with weakened immune systems or those who had recently undergone surgery. Staph skin infections start off as a small, red bump that resembles a spider bite — these infections can progress quickly, turning into swollen, painful abscesses, which doctors need to surgically drain. If the bacteria burrow deeper, they can cause infections throughout the body, including in the bloodstream, heart, bones, joints, lungs and surgical wounds, which can result in chest pain, fever and even death.

Learn more about:

* MERS-CoV Symptoms
* How MERS spreads
* How to protect yourself from respiratory illnesses


Categories:   Health Tourism, Medical Tourism


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