Medical Travel International Business Summit - PlacidBlog



Medical Travel International Business Summit

Medical tourism and travel conferences, business summits and meetings around the world place an emphasis on the proliferation of the popularity for medical travel today.  In early May 2011, the second medical travel international business summit will occur in Costa Rica, with 90% of exhibiting spaces already reserved.  To date, 35 lecturers discussing health benefits, facilities, and patient-centered care have signed up, as have 8 countries, with more growing on a daily basis.

Also called the Latin American Congress, the speakers and lecturers who have signed up to present information and resources come from 20 international destinations, discussing medical tourism market opportunities, patient safety and quality, service certification, and medical tourism and medical travel promotion opportunities.

Among the attendees, representatives from the United States, Canada, Mexico, and other Latin American countries will focus on developing relationships with foreign medical providers in order to give patients from around the world not only better prices, but enhanced quality of care.

Costa Rica is a leading destination for medical health tourism and is ranked fourth in the Latin American area for its health system. The U.S. is ranked 36th, which may perhaps explain why growing numbers of Americans have begun to cross borders in all directions for more affordable  medical, vision and dental care and services.

Actually, Costa Rica earns approximately $60 million a year from global travelers and the country is expecting over 2 million visitors as the Baby Boomer generation comes into full swing by 2015.

For more information about the International Business Summit, contact the Council for the International Promotion of Costa Rica Medicine (PROMED) in the U.S. at 1-888-304-8237 or

Categories:   Costa Rica Medical Tourism, Health Tourism, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Conference, South America Medical Tourism


  • Posted: April 11, 2011 07:58


    Indeed meditourism is on the increase in Costa Rica and the Latin American Congress will be a very important forum for exchange of ideas as well as introduction to Costa Rica for its international visitors. Cheers, Tee Tee is the founder and senior editor of Costa Rica CLOSEUP a Travel Guide to Costa Rica with Events, Articles and Information for everyone traveling, retiring and/or purchasing real estate in Costa Rica. Please visit for more information.

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