

Jinemed Hospital | Orthopedic Clinic, Istanbul, Turkey

Jinemed Orthopedic Clinic Gets You Back On Track

Bone and Joint Care at Jinemed Orthopedic Clinic
Beautiful Jinemed Orthopedic Clinic, associated with the Jinemed Hospital and located in the middle of the city on the eastern side of Istanbul, is a convenient location where international travelers receive world-class medical services, modern facilities and quality healthcare delivery systems.

Founded two decades ago, Jinemed is a well-known facility known for their excellence in orthopedic care and treatments. Located in the eastern portion of the ancient city of Istanbul, Turkey, the Jinemed Medical Center offers a unique blend of European, American and Turkish medical professionals and treatments, in one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the world.

Approach to Medical Care at Jinemed
Jinemed Hospital Medical Center is dedicated to offering compassionate and caring service to international patients. Their vision is to provide absolute customer satisfaction and a trustworthy medical center that contributes to Turkish and world healthcare by providing quality medical services, evidence-based medicine and utilizing state of the art technology while specializing in orthopedic treatments and surgical procedures.

Jinemed Hospital Medical Center is dedicated to offering compassionate and caring service to international patients. Their vision is to provide absolute customer satisfaction and a trustworthy medical center that contributes to Turkish and world healthcare by providing quality medical services, evidence-based medicine and utilizing state-of-the-art technology while specializing in orthopedic treatments and procedures for joint conditions.

Dr. Selim M.’s Qualifications at Jinemed
A combination of Turkish, American and European Board certified physicians and patient coordinators enable international travelers to access the excellent and experienced treatments, protocols and services offered by Jinemed in:

  • Cartilage surgery
  • Knee and hip replacement surgical procedures
  • Rotator cuff repairs
  • Anterior cruciate ligament procedures
  • Shoulder impingement repair

Dr. Selim M. is a respected member of Istanbul Bakirkoy Research and Training Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Service.  A well-experienced and qualified surgeon, Dr. Selim M. specializes in orthopedic surgeries that involve the ankle and foot as well as those resulting from trauma. Dr. Selim M. has experience in special foot surgery at the Sarasota Memorial Hospital in Florida and the New York Hospital for Special Surgery. The author of dozens of medical journal publications, Dr. Selim M. has spent decades helping restore movement, range of motion and mobility for his patients.
Traveling to Turkey for Bone and Joint Care
With state-of-the-art facilities located not only in her major cities such as Istanbul and Ankara, but scattered along the southern portion of the state along the Mediterranean, Turkish physicians and surgeons offer high-class care and expertise to natives and international travelers. The majority of Turkish physicians and surgeons are trained in Europe or the United States, and offer experience and knowledge in new technologies and techniques.

In addition, medical costs for procedures and surgeries in Turkey offer international medical travelers huge savings that generally amount to as much as 50% to 75% on costs for the same surgeries and procedures in the U.S.

Facilities such Jinemed Hospital, located in Istanbul and others scattered along the southern portion of the state along the Mediterranean, offer Turkish physicians and surgeons providing high class care and expertise to natives and international travelers.

Please Click here to request more information from Jinemed Hospital.


العظام والرعاية المشتركة في عيادة العظام Jinemed

جميلة Jinemed عيادة العظام، ويرتبط مع مستشفى Jinemed ويقع في وسط المدينة على الجانب الشرقي مناسطنبول، وهو مكان مناسب حيث المسافرين الدوليين تلقي خدمات طبية عالمية المستوى، والمرافق الحديثة والجودة ونظمتقديم الرعاية الصحية.

تأسست قبل عقدين من الزمن، Jinemed منشأة معروفة معروفة لتميزها في مجال الرعاية تقويم العظام والعلاج. تقع فيالجزء الشرقي من المدينة القديمة في اسطنبول، تركيا، ومركز طبي Jinemed يقدم مزيجا فريدا من الاوروبية والاميركية والتركية والعلاجات الطبية المهنيين، في واحدة من أقدم المدن وأجمل في العالم.

انقر هنا للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول جراحة العظام.

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