

Institute of Cell Therapy, Kiev, Ukraine

Revitalization, Cellular Therapy, Stem Cells and Placenta Application Center


Institute of Cellular Therapy is a scientific-research and specialized medical-diagnostic facility, that is the base for clinic, which was established several years ago in Kiev. Specialists of the Institute of Cellular Therapy developed and introduced into medical practice the newest scientific achievements in the area of cell technologies, cryomedicine and non-medicinal methods of treatment. Unique personal methodics of stem cells treatment are protected with numerous patents and certificates of recognition. They have obtained international acknowledgement and have demonstrated high effectiveness in clinical practice.

What We Do?
The main directions of Clinic activity are:
  • Treatment with stem cells of the following diseases (stroke, consequences of craniocerebral traumas, disseminated sclerosis, pancreatic diabetes, joints diseases, cardio-vascular diseases, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, rehabilitation after chemotherapy and others), where traditional therapy is not effective.
  • Anti-aging therapy and rejuvenation of the organism.
  • Cosmetology with placenta extract application.

Clinic plays an important role in the successful development of cellular therapy. Efficiency of the treatment depends on specialists’ professional skills, their responsibility, and also on the technologies, with which the medical facility is equipped.

Our clinic is equipped with modern instruments and has all the possibilities for out-patient and in-patient treatment, and also for diagnostic examinations and rehabilitation measures.

Specialists deliver highly professional medical care in diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with complex diseases of any etiology, when traditional methods of treatment are not effective. Clinic has all the medical technologies, which allow to diagnose during the shortest period of time and to determine the scope of patient’s problems.

Conditions we Treat.
We have treated many medical conditions with substantial success, using stem cell technologies, developed in the Institute of Cellular Therapy:
  • Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system: strokes, rehabilitation after strokes and craniocerebral traumas, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, peripheral neuropathies, Alzheimer’s disease;
  • Endocrine diseases: insulin-independent diabetes, complications of insulin-dependent diabetes and insulin-independent diabetes, hypothyroidism;
  • Autoimmune diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, glomerulonephritis;
  • Cardio-vascular diseases: ischemic heart disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathies;
  • Gastro-intestinal diseases: liver cirrhosis, infectious and toxic hepatitis, consequences of B and C hepatitis, pancreatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • Diseases of musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, spinal osteochondrosis, hip joint dysplasia, traumas and also trauma consequences;
  • Immunodeficiency condition after chemotherapy course in cancer patients treatment;
  • Urogenital diseases: prostatitis, potency disorders, disorders of reproductive function in men and women;

Curative and sanitation clinic Programs propose not only effective treatment of complex chronic diseases, but aging prophylaxis and rejuvenation. Anti-aging therapy with application of the stem cells and placenta extract preparation that is developed by the specialists of the Institute of Cellular Therapy allows to interrupt aging processes and to gain body restoration for younger and more active functional level.

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