

Infertility Treatments: One Woman Discovered Options

Janet had trouble getting pregnant after two years of trying, and when all her newly married friends started sharing the happy news, she knew she needed to be checked. Unfortunately, the treatment options for her far exceeded the family’s conservative budget, and she needed to find a plan B. Through a friend at work, she heard about the idea of traveling abroad for medical treatments – turns out such treatments range thousands of dollars lower in countries such as:

  • India
  • Thailand
  • Panama
  • Turkey
  • Guatemala
  • Argentina

She, along with her husband, had always wanted to visit Guatemala, so together they planned a trip to the country to undergo IVF, or in vitro fertilization, for a fraction of the cost found in the United States. Traveling abroad has a variety of benefits, which has given Janet and her husband an option she might not have found elsewhere.

Guatemala is just one of a few countries that offer families fertility treatments. Facilities that provide such treatments do so with state-of-the-art equipment, technology and an expansive professional medical team – many of which are certified and belong to various tourism boards and accreditations. Transportation to and from the hotel, accommodations, treatment and meals are often provided in a package that is considered much more affordable than those located in the United States.

After a successful trip to Guatemala, Janet and her husband were blessed a short time later with a baby boy, and now Janet shares the news with new friends when she hears they are having trouble conceiving.

For more information on IVF treatments, or infertility procedures, visit for package details and suggestions.



Categories:   Argentina Medical Tourism, Fertility Treatment Abroad, India Medical Tourism, Medical Technology, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Turkey, South America Medical Tourism, Thailand Medical Tourism


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