

Heart Scan Institute New Delhi, New Delhi, India

About Us:
Welcome to Heart Scan Institute New Delhi. We are a team of dedicated and energetic people to provide unparallel health services. We provide internationally recognized and complete treatment facility for the proper treatment of your disease. That’s not just all, once the surgery is done, our highly professional staff provide close follow up for the post treatment care.

Our Expertise:
Heart surgeries includes many different types of surgical procedures to diagnose and treat various conditions and damage caused to circulatory system, as well as procedures that help to insure adequate supply of blood and oxygen to the heart muscle. Minimally invasive procedures or major operations, they all fall under the scope of cardiac surgery.

Coronary Angiography
An Angiography is a very effective diagnostic procedure that literally takes x-ray pictures of the heart chambers and blood vessels. It’s often recommended for any individual experiencing chest pain, as well as those recently recovering from a heart attack or other cardiac episode or abnormality. If your doctor suspects you have a heart defect or if you’re scheduled for any type of heart surgery, you’ll likely undergo an angiography.

The coronary angiography which is also known as angiogram, actually takes pictures of heart muscles by injecting special dyes into the blood stream that show up on x-rays, it really helps heart consultant to determine:

  • Detect cardiac abnormalities.
  • Measure your blood supply.
  • Find heart abnormalities.
  • Determine heart valve functions.

Cardiac angiography is also considered a therapeutic procedure, often employed to repair heart defects, open blocked arteries and heart valves ( angioplasty).

It is a minimally invasive procedure which is of relatively short duration, typically about 45-60 minutes and needs hospital stay for 1 day. Its total cost is only  US$ 600.

The angiography procedure is completed through a process called catheterization. In this process an area inside the groin is numbed with a local anesthetic, a very small incision is made into an artery or vein in the upper leg and a catheter wire is placed into the incision and threaded through the blood vessels that lead to the heart.

Once the catheter gets to the heart, depending on which area of the heart the doctor wishes to study, contrast materials are then injected via the catheter. Live pictures are then shown on a display in the procedure room. In addition to that, the tip of the catheter is fitted with sensors that can determine blood flow, volume, pressure, volume, and overall function of the heart muscle. This procedure takes between 45 minutes and an hour.

Although its an extremely minimally invasive procedure, risks should be discussed. Some of the most common risks involved in coronary angiography include:

  • Infection
  • Tears or injury in the catheterized artery or the heart muscle
  • Irregular heart rhythm, known as arrhythmia
  • Allergic reaction to the contrast die or other medications utilized during the procedure
  • Bleed or blood clots
  • X-ray radiation exposure
  • Kidney damage

Coronary Angiography, Why?
You may ask by your physician to under go angiography  if you experience undetermined or undiagnosed chest pain or if you are recovering from cardiac episodes or events, including heart attack, you may need to determine what, if any, damage has occurred to the heart muscle. A coronary angiography may also be suggested when heart abnormalities or malfunction are suspected.

In addition, your doctor may suggest a coronary angiogram if you are experiencing unstable angina, or increasing or new chest pain, symptoms of coronary artery disease, congenital heart defects or diseases, heart failure, or unexplained pain in the arm, neck, jaw or chest.


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