

Gastric Balloon Surgery Abroad – Seoul, South Korea


Gastric Sleeve Procedure

Sleeve gastrectomy is a type of bariatric surgery that reduces the size of the stomach. Also known as a vertical gastrectomy, a partial gastrectomy, gastric reduction, as well as a greater curvature gastrectomy, this type of surgery is presented as an alternative to gastric bypass surgeries and encourages weight-loss in obese patients by resizing up to 85% of the stomach.

sos              obesity surgery

Gastric Balloon also called BIB (Bioenteric Intragastric Balloon)

For people who have tried many ways to lose excess weight without any results, the gastric balloon is perfect for those who dream to avoid major surgery. The balloon, which is made of silicone, is inserted into the stomach and filled with saline to bring feelings of fullness. The gastric balloon is effective in helping individuals to lose weight, since it allows only a small amount of food to be consumed, thus reducing caloric intake.


Benefits of Gastric Balloon Surgery

  • A great benefit to the gastric balloon is the possibility to undergo a weight loss procedure without surgery.
  • It takes 20-30 minutes, and is virtually pain free with little side effects.
  • Patients lose a substantial amount of weight, in addition to consuming smaller portion sizes and learning to eat healthier food choices.
  • Anyone suffering from obesity can benefit from this procedure, as it functions much the same way as gastric banding, though without major surgery.

Categories:   Health Tourism, Medical Tourism, Obesity | Bariatric Surgery Abroad


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