

Enhance Confidence with Your Smile

John felt happy on the inside, but he was so self-conscious of smiling that people never knew quite how to act around him. Growing up, his years playing hockey took a toll on his mouth, but he just had the money to do something about it. His wife wished she could have memories of all the exciting travels they went on throughout their marriage, but John never felt comfortable smiling and avoided photographs most of the time. It wasn’t until he came upon a cosmetic dentist’s billboard on the way to work displaying an amazing set of great teeth that he thought there was a solution to his smile.

After visiting a few cosmetic dentists, he understood the cost – and while he was willing to do it, he decided to research some other options to see if he could lower the costs without compromising quality. He learned through medical tourism and dentistry treatments abroad  that he could save hundreds of dollars on the exact same procedure – and take a much-needed trip with his wife. Various countries offer cosmetic dentistry procedures and treatments for a fraction of the cost found in the United States, such as:

John decided to book a trip to beautiful Costa Rica to get veneers put on, and the package featured top-notch attention from excellent dentists. Once the veneers were put in place, John felt more confident with his new smile – and he did something he hadn’t done in years: smile in a photograph.

Check out for more information about cosmetic dentistry packages and treatments.

Categories:   Costa Rica Medical Tourism, Croatian Medical Tourism, Dental Tourism Abroad, Dental Vacations Europe, Health Tourism, Hungary Medical Tourism, India Medical Tourism, Medical Technology, Mexico Medical Tourism


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