

Do You Know What The Color of Your Urine Means?

Do You Know What The Color of Your Urine Means?

Did you know that the color of your urine could tell you a lot about your health? Although it is for the best to go and see a doctor when we do not feel well, it is also true that we can sometimes read the signs our bodies send to us. Here is how to detect you health condition based on urine color.

You have probably noticed already that the color of your urine varies according to how healthy or hydrated you are, from transparent to yellow, orange, pink or even blue or green.  But do you really know what the colors mean?

The main factor in the color change is hydration. Depending on how much liquid you drink, your urine will vary from transparent, to yellow, dark yellow or orange. But when the color starts to look strange then you may have problems with some organs. But let’s take them all in turn:

urine testTransparent – believe it or not, a completely clear urine means that you are drinking too much water. If not drinking enough water has its risks, in some cases, drinking too much water is not good either as it dilutes the salts in the body.

Light yellow to honey – light yellow urine, means that you are healthy and well hydrated, but if the color begins to darken you might need to refuel with liquids.

Light brown to dark brown – brown urine could indicate a liver or bile problem. Because the bile salts are not processed by the liver and eliminated through stool, they stay in the blood until are eliminated through urine. If the brownish urine begins to worry you, go and have yourself checked out.

Pink to reddish – sometimes the red color in your urine could come from some liquids or food you have ingested. Other times it comes from blood and you should immediately go and see your doctor as you may be suffering from kidney disease, stones in the bladder or kidneys, or even prostate, kidney or bladder cancer.

Blue, green – blues or green urine is very rare and this might be a sign of little-known diseases, such as porphyria, which is an inherited enzyme condition.

Noticing the color of your urine and having it tested along with proper medical advice  might help you early diagnose a possible disease, get treatment in time and, therefore, save your life.

Ana Savin

Categories:   PlacidWay


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