

Do You Know The Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?

Do You Know The Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease, difficult to diagnose as symptoms vary widely, or may even disappear for months. During the MS the autoimmune system damages the nerves’ protective sheath affecting the communication between the spinal cord, brain and other areas in the body. Specialists have not found a cause for this disease, but have taken into consideration several genetic factors and childhood infections.

Although MS has a wide range of symptoms, which in some cases can even disappear for months, there are several signs which hint to this disease.

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms1. Tiredness – In almost 80% of the MS cases, patients have difficulties in doing simple everyday activities, such as tying shoes or brushing teeth, due to fatigue.

2. Numbness – Another common symptom, and usually the first to be reported by patients with MS, is numbness in the body, legs, arms or face. The numbness affects use of certain body parts and movement.

3. Trouble with balance – Patients with MS often encounter difficulties in walking and keeping the balance, muscle weakness and tightness and sensory issues. When the central nervous system is affected, patients deal with symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo and loss  of balance.

4. Blurring of vision – If the disease affects the optic nerve patients might experience double vision, blurring vision, uncontrollable eye movements, but rarely do these result in total blindness.

5. Bowel and bladder dysfunction – Almost 80% of MS patients experience bowel or bladder dysfunction and this happens when the disease affects communication between the nerve signals which control the urinary sphincter and the bladder.

6. Pain – Another common MS symptom is pain. Acute pain in the spine, neck, back, or even in the entire body.

7. Problems with cognition – Remembering information, learning, planning, organizing, focusing, calculations, perception and even understanding language and speaking may become very difficult to do and even impossible at some stage of the disease.

These are some of the most important and common MS symptoms. Do not ignore them and if you or someone you know experience one or several of them talk to a doctor immediately. Mutiple Sclerosis can be kept under control through various treatments and procedures.

Ana Savin

Categories:   MS, Multiple Sclerosis


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