Defying Age: Safe and Effective Anti-Aging Treatment Options
Who isn’t concerned about aging? These days, more middle aged and senior citizens compete with the younger crowd for jobs and job security. You may be older and wiser than your contemporaries, but why look it?
The popularity of cosmetic and plastic surgery has accelerated in the past few decades. Thread lifts are the most commonly performed technique today that involve fairly noninvasive plastic surgical procedures as opposed to the full facelifts offered in the past. Thread lifts are cutting edge technologies that rely on the use of strings that are inserted beneath the skin and attached to basic structural facial tissues.
The cost of antiaging treatments depends on the approach as well as the type of product or service chosen by any given individual. Antiaging creams and shelf products may cost anywhere between $20 and $75 or more per bottle, while thread lift surgical procedures cost around $3,000-$5,000 in the United States.
Anti-aging and cosmetic and plastic surgical treatments are generally not covered under health care policies for American citizens, which leads many to travel south of the border, or to exotic destinations in Europe or Asia for affordable yet quality antiaging treatments. Individuals traveling to India, Thailand, Argentina, Costa Rica or Brazil in addition to the facilities found throughout Poland, Turkey and the Ukraine may save hundreds to thousands of dollars on antiaging treatments, procedures and programs.
Antiaging skin care products, Botox injections, fat transfers, human growth hormones (HGH), stem cell regeneration and rejuvenation and cosmetic and plastic surgeries are on the rise. Affordable age management techniques can be found at Ayurvedic resorts as well as the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz in Switzerland to the Yanhee Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, among others. Why wait?
Categories: Anti Aging Abroad, Ayurvedic Resorts, Cosmetic Surgery Abroad, Health Tourism Switzerland, Medical Spas, Medical Tourism, Thailand Medical Tourism
Tags: affordable age management, age, age management techniques, aging, anti aging, anti aging programs, anti aging treatment, anti-aging treatment options, antiaging, antiaging creams, antiaging procedures, antiaging skin care producys, antiaging treatments, bangkok, botox injections, cosmetic and plastic surgeries, cosmetic and plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, cost of antiaging treatments, Facelift, fat transfer, fat transfers, full facelifts, Grand Resort Bad Ragaz, health care, HGH, human growth hormones, noninvasive plastic surgery, noninvasive plastic surgical procedures, plastic surgery, poland, quality antiaging treatments, stem cell regeneration and rejuvenation, Switzerland, thailand, thread lift surgical procedures, thread lifts, turkey, Ukraine, Yanhee Hospital
Posted: January 21, 2010 18:14
Defying Age: Safe and Effective Anti-Aging Treatment Options … | Breaking News 24/7