

CyberKnife Offers New Hope for Cancer Patients

New technologies offer individuals diagnosed with cancer an alternative to the severe side effects of traditional radiation therapies. Today, cancer patients have choices for cancer treatments and noninvasive and nonsurgical approaches to cancerous tumors. Common methods of killing cancerous growth has been through chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

One of the newest cancer-fighting technologies is the CyberKnife; a registered trademark name for a type of robotic radiosurgery that offers precise treatment of cancerous and non-cancerous tumor growth. Surgical technologies used by the CyberKnife System offer a unique, noninvasive alternative to traditional surgeries mainly used in cancer treatments. The focus of the CyberKnife is to remove cancerous as well as non-cancerous tumors found throughout the body. Common locations for cancerous tumors include the pancreas, lungs, prostate, and liver.

The CyberKnife System automatically tracks and updates the precise location of the tumor. This technology enables treatment only onto the tumor, saving surrounding tissues from damage or destruction as a result of more commonly used radiation therapies.

CyberKnife is supremely accurate and provides excellently pinpoint radiation therapy to even difficult to reach areas of the brain. The CyberKnife coats cancerous or non-cancerous tumor growth with radiation, which enables the system to completely focus on areas of the tumor without affecting surrounding tissues. Such technology causes less tissue damage, recovery time, or permanent damage to organ systems. Patients are often spared from the severe and often debilitating side effects of “normal” cancer treatments.

PlacidWay, an international medical tourism and provider resource, helps global travelers learn about such technologies, as well as offering information where they are found. From India to Croatia, and from Argentina to Jordan, modern, high-tech and state-of-the-art equipment and methodologies help treat patients from around the world. “Patients today have options,” says Pramod Goel, founder and CEO of PlacidWay. “The majority of those options are not only affordable, but offer accessibility and excellence when it comes to quality medical care and treatments.”

Categories:   Cancer Treatment Abroad, Medical Tourism


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