

Benefit from Growth of Medical Tourism

State-of-the-art facilities, high standards in training and expertise, as well as Board certification from United States providers sets many at ease.  Some of the most popular destinations for medical tourism surgical procedures include Mexico, Thailand, South Korea, Singapore and India and location in Europe such as Croatia, Ukraine and Poland.


Medical technology as well as quality and standards of care in most countries around the world are on a level with those expected and demanded within the United States. The International Division of the Joint Commission, which accredits hospitals and facilities within the United States, also accredits facilities internationally. Many physicians who practice in European and Asian hospitals and medical centers have been trained and board-certified within the United States.


Mexico is a popular destination for dental care or plastic and cosmetic surgery. Benefit from expert and affordable medical treatments throughout Mexico. Many United States-based hospital corporations own medical hospitals not only in Mexico City, but along the United States border and in South American destinations such as Brazil and Costa Rica and Argentina.


A cardiac surgical procedure such as heart valve replacement or bypass can cost over $200,000. It is not difficult to wonder why a cardiac patient would be interested in traveling to facilities like Acibadem Healthcare Group in Turkey or the Jordan Hospital in Amman, Jordan, both JCI accredited heart care facilities that offer quality and expert care at prices that won’t leave you bankrupt for the rest of your life.


Categories:   Affordable Heart Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery Abroad, Croatian Medical Tourism, Jordan Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Accreditations, Medical Tourism Turkey, Mexico Medical Tourism, South America Medical Tourism


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