

Be Stone Free with Mexicos Medical Centers for Kidney Stone Surgery

Be Stone Free with Mexico’s Medical Centres for Kidney Stone Surgery

Do you feel a burning sensation when you urinate or a sharp, cramping pain on your lower abdomen? These symptoms may put you at risk for having kidney stones.

Twenty years ago, open surgery (nephrectomy) was the only option to remove a kidney stone which required a recovery time of 4 to 6 weeks – a very stressful period for patients. Today, because of medical advancements, kidney stone treatment has greatly improved, and many non-invasive options may now be performed in an outpatient setting like Lithotripsy. Moreover, here are signs and symptoms you can check if you are a candidate for Kidney Stone Removal or Lithotripsy.

  • The kidney stone blocks urine flow.
  • It causes frequent urinary tract infection (UTI).
  • It causes constant bleeding and kidney tissue damage.
  • It causes constant pain and does not pass after a reasonable period of time.
  • It grew larger, as seen on X-ray results.
  • It has become too large that is caught in a difficult place to pass on its own

If surgical treatment may still be necessary as advised by your urologist (kidney doctor), there are a lot of medical centres in Mexico you can try to make you kidney stone free. There are top medical centers in Mexico that can assist you in having a Lithotripsy.

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Categories:   Kidney Stones, Kidney Transplant


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