

Where to go for Affordable Heart Surgery and Care?

A heart surgery procedure can range from angioplasty to coronary artery bypass to valve replacement to a heart transplant. Where can individuals go for such treatments and heart care? Expert heart surgeons are available around the world, and in countries that rank higher than the U.S. in health care.

For example, costs for angioplasty procedures in the U.S. costs will depend on type of procedure (balloon or angioplasty with vascular stents). Average costs for such procedures range around $57,000. Medical travelers taking advantage of excellently trained and certified physicians in countries like India, Singapore and Thailand may enjoy huge cost savings. The same procedures in India generally cost around $11,000, while the same procedures cost around $13,000 in Singapore and Thailand.

For those needing heart valve replacement surgery or cardiac bypass surgery, world-class heart physicians and cardiac specialists offer superlative heart care and treatment as well as procedures that offer state of the art technology and training.

Cardiac surgery is expensive in the United States. Heart valve replacement or repair in the United States costs an average of $25,000 per valve. Mitral valve replacement may cost around $14,000 to $20,000. Many patients undergoing multiple valve replacement surgical procedures may expect to pay up to $100,000 for such services.

Medical travelers to the Artemis Health Institute in India enjoy the same quality of service at greater savings, with single valve replacements generally costing around $9,500 and double valve replacements costing around $11,500.

Take advantage of global opportunities in the 21st century. Expand your horizons, as well as your heart health care by exploring and researching heart surgery abroad.

Categories:   Affordable Heart Surgery


  • Posted: February 9, 2009 04:18

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