

Vision Care Abroad

If you can’t see properly, how can you enjoy life properly? If you have trouble with your eyesight, don’t put your vision care to the side because you don’t think it’s important, or you figure you can make do with the reading glasses at the drug store. Large majorities of people in the U.S. and around the world don’t have vision insurance and can’t afford a new pair of prescription glasses, let alone a surgical eye procedure that may help restore their vision.

LASIK surgery is affordable, if you know where to go, and you’ll get more than your sight back, you’ll get your quality of life back. LASIK procedures are fast. They’re also easy and painless. Compared to other types of eye surgery, laser procedures are more affordable. Did you know that in less than 30 minutes, your vision might be improved or restored?

The most common LASIK procedures include:

  • LASIK Surgery
  • Epi LASIK
  • PRK Surgery
  • Wavefront LASIK
  • LASIK Monovision

Visit, a leader in medical options for domestic and international medical tourism. From the best eye surgeons in Turkey to affordable eye hospitals in Singapore, PlacidWay can help find and match you with the best LASIK providers to meet your needs, and your budget.

For example, the Family Hospital in Mexicali, Mexico offers quality services and convenience despite its cheaper prices. So will staff at Almater Hospital. Travel to the other side of the world and you’ll receive the best in eye care at Healthway Medical Group in Singapore or TRSC International LASIK Center in Bangkok, Thailand.

The world can be a beautiful place –  if you can see it.

Categories:   Health Tourism, Medical Tourism Singapore, Medical Tourism Turkey, Mexico Medical Tourism, Thailand Medical Tourism


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