

The Nigerian Health Travel Causes and Health System

The Nigerian Health Travel Causes and Health System

After decades in turmoil since gaining its independence in 1960, Nigeria is taking bolder towards a stronger health care system and a healthier population.

We have analyzed a few of the issues still needed to be taken into account by the nigerian health system and seen how medical tourism is an important factor for its development.

Despite its vast resources, Nigeria ranks among the most unequal countries in the world. The poverty in the North is in contrast to the more developed Southern states. The oil is located in Southern Nigeria and delegates from oil-producing areas want local communities to keep more of the revenue it generates. However, poverty levels are far higher in the North and delegates from non-oil-producing resist such moves. Oil states keep 25% of the oil revenue they earn and hand the rest to the federal government. Nigeria is one of the world’s biggest oil producers but most of its 170 million people live in poverty.

Nigeria loses huge sums in capital flight to medical tourism, as most of the nation’s hospitals lack the modern equipment needed for effective diagnosis and treatment. There is also shortages of medical material and the blood supply of the country is not considered safe. Hygiene conditions are problematic, especially outside the large cities. Nigeria’s public healthcare system has deteriorated because of a lack of resources and a “brain drain” syndrome of Nigerian doctors as well as skilled health workers to other countries.

Even when there are adequate facilities and well-trained personnel, some wealthy Nigerians still prefer to travel abroad for different reasons – showing off the elevated status and wealth, the lack of trust and confidence in the Nigerian healthcare delivery system. The money being wasted on foreign medical trips yearly accounts for millions of dollars. They should be properly channeled into providing and establishing world-class hospitals in different parts of the country which would benefit both the rich and the poor.

Facts about Nigeria
Life expectancy: 52/54 years
Income per capita: $ 2,290

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Categories:   Medical Tourism, PlacidWay


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