

The Best of the Best: Medical Tourism in Jordan

Jordan is the only country in the Middle East with a booming healthcare business. Medical tourism revenues in 2007 exceeded $1 billion and foreign patients have grown at about a 10% rate annually since 2004. The high quality of medical treatment in Jordan has fast created a reputation for its superlative and groundbreaking cardiac and organ transplant surgeries of the 70s and 80s, to cancer treatments, cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures, fertility treatments and procedures in ophthalmology, and more.


U.S. travelers pay one-tenth the cost of surgeries performed in their homeland, while Europeans save at least one-third on costs. In addition, American medical travelers visiting the best hospitals in Jordan save months, if not years, on surgical wait times for surgical procedures in Jordan than the U.S.


Medical travelers from around the world, including the near Middle East, Britain, and the United States visit doctors in Jordan every year to enjoy the benefits of state-of-the-art and technologically advanced private hospitals, clinics and outpatient facilities. While in Jordan, medical travelers also benefit from the wealth of things to do and see throughout the country.


One of the most popular Jordanian hospitals is the Jordan Hospital, one of the famous health centers in Amman that offers some of the best in surgery cost in Jordan. Jordan Hospital is one of many global medical facilities that is accredited by the JCI and ISQUA and offers comprehensive and board certified, and some of the best surgeons in Jordan. Come visit this ancient land and take advantage of affordable medical treatment in Jordan, the land of ancient history, wisdom and traditions.

Categories:   Health Tourism, Jordan Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism


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