

Take Advantage of Orthopedic Surgery Abroad

Got a bum knee? Suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome? Don’t have the money to pay for orthopedic surgery? Rising healthcare costs and the often complicated process of navigating the American health care system and insurance requirements to obtain referrals for medical care have prompted many Americans to venture abroad for orthopedic surgery. Whether you need knee replacement or are suffering from arthritis, or threw your shoulder out playing baseball, orthopedic problems can be treated efficiently and more cost effectively in locations such as Latin America, India, Asia, and growing popular tourist destinations such as Jordan, Turkey and Croatia.

New innovations and technologies in orthopedic surgery such as the Oxinium Journey knee replacements have encouraged men and women around the world to seek relief and treatment from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, sports injuries and debilitative skeletal bone disorders. These new innovations, such as the Oxinium Journey System, offers anatomical knee joint systems that increase stability and flexion.

The Oxinium Journey System is specially designed to help relieve anterior and posterior cruciate ligament (ACL and PCL) conditions and has been successfully performed in India. Due to its success, the device has become one of the few knee replacement structures that offer patients increased range of motion and flexibility.

Facilities such as Knee Surgery India, located in Chennai, India offer treatment athletes, baby boomers, or individuals suffering from medical conditions that decrees stability, flexion, and range of motion in the, hip, elbow, shoulder, and other major joints of the body enhanced quality of life, relief from chronic pain and the ability to enjoy life again.

Categories:   Knee Surgery Abroad, Orthopedics Surgery Abroad


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