

Surrogacy in India? Why not?

Why is surrogacy in India an option?

I was told I needed to look at surrogacy in an objective way, as an uninvolved individual. It was rather difficult, as a couple I am friends with struggled to have a baby of their own for years.

Being in their 40’s, they faced infertility and miscarriage. Now, they are watching their child grow, after opting for surrogacy in India. Their baby came from a woman they had never met, carefully chosen by a renowned doctor in an Indian clinic.

The great amount of information available online convinced them surrogacy in India was their only option, as they ruled out natural conception and adoption. As a last resort, they paid for domestic surrogacy in India around $12,000. This was after they had spent more than $25,000 on fertility treatments.

I watched them get excited at every email they got of ultrasound scans, after the surrogate was implanted. After almost two years of waiting for a child, my friends found themselves counting down the nine months.

They are currently waiting for the DNA results so they can do the needful and take their baby home. All the disappointments are over now! I was so glad to finally see them happy!

A rise in popularity for surrogacy in India

Surrogacy in India as an Infertility Solution

The number of couples turning to Indian surrogate mothers for fulfillment is still increasing, and at the low rates India is providing now, they can have a chance for happiness.

We are witnessing a rapid growth in popularity of Indian surrogacy worldwide. This is due to more and more couples turning to India, desperate to have a child.

The estimates suggest that each year Indian surrogate births are more than 1,000 and more than half of the newborn have been exported for the past five years.

As far as my research went, I learned that the surrogates in India have a safe selection and care. They have a maximum of five pregnancies, as a surrogate and also counting their own.

The issue here is to choose the best fertility clinic in order insure the surrogate is cared for, from a medical point of view. It is also true that these women are putting their lives in the doctor’s hands, but in my opinion, so do all the women in the world, when trying to get pregnant.

So, when you can see for yourself a happy couple with their baby that came by surrogacy, how can you object to their only chance for happiness?

What do you think about this? In my opinion, couples struggling with infertility should not go without this option.

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Alexandra Brad

Categories:   Fertility Treatment Abroad, India Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism


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