

Stem Cell Treatments Take Aim at Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease affects individuals around the world, most of them over 65 years of age.  Parkinson’s disease causes muscles to become stiff and rigid, and tremble, making movement, speech, sleep, and simple functions like bathing, brushing the teeth or hair, or speaking difficult.  Parkinson’s disease is believed to be caused by a loss of the brain cell called dopaminergic neurons found in the brain.

Researchers involved in stem cell research are studying the growth of new tissues and organs from stem cells that may be used in new brain tissue growth and transplants. Several stem cell research communities around the world are looking into prompting multipotent stem cells into becoming specific brain neuron cells, which could then be transplanted into the brains of patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

Research is currently focusing on prompting healthy neural tissues and cells to regrow through various multiplication processes and technology. Such research and development of new Parkinson’s disease treatment and protocols utilizing stem cell technologies and research are on the cutting edge of discovery and facilities around the world, such as the Ukraine, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, Germany and the United States are engaged in in-depth research in this area.

Individuals seeking treatments and possible cures to medical illnesses and conditions continue to seek out stem cell treatments available in international destinations and locations. Stem cell technology and treatments available in facilities such as Integra Medical and ProgenCell located in Mexico, as well as EmCell, located in the Ukraine offer international patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s hope for the future.

Categories:   Medical Tourism, Mexico Medical Tourism, Stem Cell Therapy


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