

Preventing Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Preventing Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

As we get old we have to deal with more and more health problems, among which the Age-related macular degeneration or AMD.

Although AMD is a painless eye condition, it gradually leads to the loss of central vision and even cause a quick reduction in vision at people aged 50 and older. The condition does not lead to blindness, but losing the central vision can affect daily activities, such as reading, writing, doing close work (cooking, sewing, etc) or seeing faces.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration Causes:

Gender – more women have AMD compared to men
Genes – some types of AMD might be inherited
Sunlight – UV light increases the risk of developing AMD
Certain types of food – the lack of vitamins A, C and E and zinc increases the risk of developing AMD

The symptoms vary from case to case, but usually, the most common ones are difficulty in seeing detail, problems reading small print even with reading glasses, the appearance of a slight smudge in your sight or a small blurred area in the center.

AMD is detected with the visual acuity test, dilated eye exam, Amsler grid, fluorescein angiogram or optical coherence tomography. Currently, there is no treatment to cure AMD, but its progress can be slowed with anti-VEGF injections in the eye, laser treatment or laser surgery.

How can you prevent AMD?

Scientists do not know exactly what triggers AMD, however the risk of developing the condition can be reduced.

  • – Stop smoking
  • – Adopt a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and fruits
  • – Reduce alcohol consumption
  • – Maintain a healthy weight
  • – Wear sunglasses with UV protection

We can fight age-related disorders by slowing their progress down, treating symptoms and delaying their development.

Ana Savin

Categories:   PlacidWay


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