

New Medical Technologies Leading the Way

Countries around the world are updating their equipment and technology to meet challenges in brain surgery, cardiac care and orthopedics. For example, new CT (computed tomography) methods such as nano-tomography enable doctors to view and examine extremely small sections of bone structure in 3-D imaging, thanks to developments from researchers from the Munich Technological University. Such technology will help those diagnosed with bone conditions such as osteoporosis, devising more effective therapeutic approaches to care.

Patients are no longer required to remain perfectly still while undergoing an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), thanks to the development of real-time MRI technology called the FLASH (fast low angle shot), again developed in Germany. No radiation, no pain or discomfort with this technology. In the near future, such technology will be able to capture rapid movements of joints and organs to help with diagnostics, especially for those diagnosed with coronary heart disease or myocardial insufficiency as well as other heart care, and lead to minimally invasive procedures and applications.

Cancer research, diagnostics and treatment plans may benefit from the latest in MicroNeedle technologies developed at the North Carolina State University, USA. The MicroNeedles are able to accurately deliver what are called quantum dots carrying nanoscale dyes that may be used not only to diagnose but to treat skin cancers.

Medical facilities around the world are stepping into the 21st century with technologies like the daVinci System, CyberKnife technology and the best in diagnostic imaging equipment to offer faster diagnosis and more effective medical treatment plans for global travelers seeking the best in affordable and quality medical care.

Categories:   Health Tourism, Medical Tourism


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