

Medical Tourism in Africa

The trend for medical tourism in Africa is growing. Why? Because the best clinics in Africa offer high-tech facilities that are attracting more medical tourists every year, especially those seeking high quality care and cost savings in procedures like cosmetic and plastic surgery, dental surgery and orthopedic and ophthalmic surgical procedures.


So whether you’re looking for a face-lift or a heart transplant, South African surgeons are trained and experienced to meet your needs. Surgeons and facilities are registered and accredited by the South African Medical and Dental Councils. Affordable surgery in South Africa is drawing thousands of medical travelers every year to such places as MediAccess in Cape Town, South Africa, which specializes in dentistry, cosmetic/plastic surgery and general surgery and IVF treatments. Surgical Bliss, also located in Cape Town, offers some of the best doctors in Africa in eye and LASIK surgeries, general surgery and infertility treatments.


From accommodations to surgeries to taking advantage of exchange rates, medical travelers from the U.S. are generally able to save at least 50% of costs for similar surgeries back home. Private and public medical settings offer medical travelers the privacy they need for recuperation, while offering a unique setting in which to do so.


South Africa is a unique place – a land of oceans, jungles and plains. Most of us think of safaris when we think of Africa, but South Africa has so much more to offer world travelers that her beautiful wildlife. South Africa also offers high-tech and modern cities, culture, arts, fine dining and the best in world-class hotel accommodations. South Africa offers experiences and sights that can be found nowhere else on the planet.

Categories:   Medical Tourism


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