

Little Things To Improve Your Life by Dr. Prakash Shah

Little Things To Improve Your Life by Dr. Prakash Shah

My Dear Friends,

I have here 10 things you can do to enjoy your life and current situation. I have this on my desktop and I am following this regularly – at least once in a week. This helps me and I hope will help you also. Please give trial for sometime – at least one month and see the result.

I am grateful for the opportunity to pass them on to you.


10 things to improve your life1. Develop a circle of close associations who cherish working on values and goals instead of sharing problems and difficulties. Help others on a daily basis by becoming a role model as an ethical hard working individual. Work on becoming more optimistic by controlling  your life and conversations.

2. Record your strengths and weaknesses in a diary and each day write down some positive things you have  achieved for that day.

3. Progress is the key to happiness so gain more knowledge and strive to learn new skills on a weekly basis. Create a compelling future for yourself.

4. Your vocabulary matters.

When you speak positive, uplifting your thoughts, when you compliment others, when you stop cursing and start praising, it uplifts you into a more positive human being. “Reframe” your negativity  into a more positive outlook on life.

5. Practice the ability to accept change, and risk what you are passionate about achieving. Start with small goals you know you can achieve. This will build your self- confidence and give you the courage to risk bigger. This gives more joy inducing, long term thrills.

6. Trust your own intuition. Believe in yourself. Associate with positive, uplifting people, think and practice positive thoughts and attitudes. Act enthusiastic and you’ll train your brain to be more and more enthusiastic.

7. Be confident and build good relationships with people. Be fortunate for who you.

Young couple with thumbs up

8. Embrace the law of attraction as it reflects the way your mind works; your subconscious cannot interpret negativity. Therefore when you hear yourself making comments that include “don’t,” “won’t,” “can’t,” or “no,” you are actually giving your mind the attention to work on these negative emotions. You make your life whatever attention, energy and focus you give.

9. Get in the habit of writing, calling or e-mailing at least 4 notes per day, may it be, simply saying thank you, getting back in touch or offering help to someone in need. Apply your faith that everything is good in the world and go on passing  it on to someone else.

10. Educate yourself on the pitfalls we face as a society as to why young people turn to drugs to alcohol to escape painful feelings and memories. Understand that spirituality and faith.  High self-esteems are the cornerstones for living a happy, successful life.

If you have questions about this article do not hesitate. I can definitely be of some guidance and help to you.

Dr Prakash Shah

Categories:   Health Tourism, Medical Tourism


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