

Jordan: Rising Star in Patient-Centered Care

Jordan is best known for its cutting-edge surgical procedures, hospitality and gorgeous scenery. However, Jordan is also fast growing as a world leader in providing medical care, therapies and support for the disabled. Many medical consumers don’t know that Jordan was awarded the Franklin Delano Roosevelt International Disability Award in 2005, offering shining examples of healthcare leadership, patient-centered care and treatment of the disabled.

As a medical tourism-friendly country, Jordan offers global patients medical transparency, compassion and the best in international healthcare standards and technologies. Due to its location, Jordan serves as a gathering place for the best in medical technologies and discoveries, highly trained and qualified physicians and surgeons, and the latest in state-of-the-art medical and surgical equipment.

Medical travelers to Jordan pay one-tenth the cost of surgeries performed in their homeland, while Europeans save at least one-third on costs. In addition, American medical travelers to Jordan save big on surgical wait times for surgical procedures in Jordan than the U.S.

Medical travelers from around the world, including the near Middle East, Britain, and the United States visit Jordan every year to enjoy the benefits of state-of-the-art and technologically advanced private hospitals, clinics and outpatient facilities. Popular treatments and procedures abound for groundbreaking cardiac and organ transplant surgeries to cancer treatments, cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures, fertility treatments and procedures in ophthalmology, and more. Facilities like the Jordan Hospital, JCI and ISQUA accredited, and Arab City for Comprehensive Care offer the best in comprehensive services in a wide range of medical fields and technologies.

Categories:   Affordable Heart Surgery, Cancer Treatment Abroad, Cosmetic Surgery Abroad, Health Tourism, Jordan Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Accreditations, Orthopedics Surgery Abroad


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