

Is International Medical Care Worth It?

How do you decide if traveling across borders for medical or dental care provider is the right decision for you? We get this question most often. Taking the process one step at a time takes the mystery out of the process and helps relieve the “intimidation factor” that prevents some from going through with their medical or dental travel plans.

Nearly 500,000 Americans travel out of the country every year, not only to Mexico and South America, but also to various destinations such as Turkey, Croatia, Jordan, and locations throughout Asia including India, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand for affordable, quality health care. Medical services and other countries can cost 10 to 90% less than it does in the United States is a mitigating factor for this influx of medical tourists.

How do you decide if medical or dental tourism is worth your efforts? Did you know that one quarter of uninsured citizens opt to travel abroad for medical care if savings of $1,000 to $2,500 (or more) can be realized. Or that nearly 40% of uninsured citizens definitely travel abroad for care if they can save $10,000 or more?

When it comes to cardiac or orthopedic procedures, or infertility treatments or even major dental reconstruction or cosmetic surgery, it’s almost a no-brainer. Take the time to do some comparison-shopping. For example, a single coronary artery heart bypass surgery in the United States can cost up to $35,000. The same procedure provided in India costs $6,000. Most transplant procedures in the United States and Britain cost up to $200,000.

For more information regarding medical and dental providers and facilities and hospitals abroad, visit for relevant, up-to-date information and resources. Make educated decisions based on fact, not fancy.


Categories:   Affordable Heart Surgery, Cancer Treatment Abroad, Chronic Disease Treatment, Cosmetic Surgery Abroad, Croatian Medical Tourism, Dental Tourism Abroad, Fertility Treatment Abroad, India Medical Tourism, Jordan Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Singapore, Medical Tourism Turkey, Mexico Medical Tourism, Orthopedics Surgery Abroad, South America Medical Tourism, Thailand Medical Tourism


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