

Innovative Procedures and Affordable Prices Make Cancer Patients Consider Medical Tourism as an Option

Innovative Procedures and Affordable Prices Make Cancer Patients

Consider Medical Tourism as an Option

Each year cancer kills millions of people worldwide. Most of them because the needed treatments and medication are not available in their home countries, or simply because they cannot afford it. With the rapid expansion of Medical Tourism over the past years, the number of cancer victims can be dramatically decreased by informing patients about the options they have from early diagnosis of the disease to using latest innovations.

According to Cancer Research UK, in 2012 alone around 14.1 million new cases of cancer occurred worldwide and the same year, almost 8.2 million people were killed by this disease. Statistics also show that  more than 6 in ten cancer deaths worldwide occur in less developed regions of the world. The most common types of cancer worldwide are lung, breast, bowel and prostate cancer.

HOW is medical tourism helping?

Medical Tourism could be seen as a door opener for patients not having access or not being able to afford medical care in their home countries. Traveling abroad for healthcare is not an easy decision to be made, but in many cases, this choice saves lives.  The times have passed when people were dependent on the medical care offered in their country and when the insurance covered mostly all the medical care one needed.

If several years ago, traveling abroad for healthcare was only an option for rich people who were looking for revolutionary and innovative cancer treatments, this is not the case anymore. With the rapid development of emerging markets, the expensive treatments available only for the elite have now become accessible to the middle and low classes.

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Categories:   Cancer Treatment Abroad, Medical Tourism, Oncology Treatments


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