

Finding Affordable and Effective Cancer Treatment Abroad

More people are beating cancer these days than ever before, However, even though cancer screening helps locate cancers like prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, cervical cancer and lung cancer early, cancer treatments and cancer drugs are often way beyond what individual medical insurance will pay, even if you’re fortunate enough to be covered by a health insurance plan.

Take a diagnosis of prostate cancer in the United States, for example. Radical prostatectomy and a radiation therapies often average up to $30,000. Newer treatments and protocols may be higher, depending on severity or stage of cancer at diagnosis, geographical location, and technology used.  Laparoscopic prostatectomy may average around $8,000, and doesn’t include radiation or additional therapies that may be required for optimal prognosis.

However, international travelers may save up to 50% on costs of similar surgical procedures and drug treatment therapies in locations such as affordable cancer treatment in India in locations such as the Artemis Health Institute in Gurgaon, as well as Jordan, the Ukraine and Thailand, as well as locations throughout some of the best cancer treatment hospitals in Mexico like Almater, in Mexicali and throughout South America.

What about cervical cancer? In the United States, the cost of a hysterectomy may range between $7,000 and $15,000, depending on the type of procedure, such as a vaginal approach or a laparoscopic hysterectomy. Cervical cancer treatment drugs such as Hycamtin may cost as much as $1,800 per treatment. In many cases, an individual may need several treatments, depending on case by case scenarios and rate of effectiveness. 

Find affordable and effective cancer treatment abroad by accessing resources such as PlacidWay, an international medical provider that offers borderless medical and health care.

Categories:   Cancer Treatment Abroad, Health Tourism, India Medical Tourism, Jordan Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, Mexico Medical Tourism, South America Medical Tourism, Thailand Medical Tourism


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