

Fight the High Cost of Weight Loss Surgeries in the U.S.

Are you severely overweight or obese and have an extra $25,000 lying around? If so, you can probably afford bariatric surgery in the U.S. If you don’t have that kind of money, don’t despair. While costs for obesity or weight loss surgeries average between $15,000 and $30,000, and range from laparoscopic gastric banding to vertical banded gastroplasty to gastric bypass, you have choices for cheaper weight loss surgeries abroad.

Don’t mistake cheaper for less experienced, qualified, certified or accredited. Weight loss procedures like sleeve gastrectomy, gastric banding and gastric bypass are obesity and weight loss procedures readily available in other countries, at lower prices because health care systems and healthcare services and delivery is set up differently.

Take the time to research obesity and weight loss facilities such as Mexicali Obesity Solutions in Mexicali, or the Antiobesity Center in Mexico. Another fine facility, 365 mc’s Bariatric Surgery Center in Seoul, South Korea, has served thousands of global patients. Those  are just a couple of obesity surgery centers found around the globe, offering state of the art techniques and procedures at vastly reduced costs.

Some of the best bariatric surgeons in the hemisphere, such as Dr. Elias Garcia Flores and Dr. Jorge Maytorena are both experts in laparoscopic bariatric surgical procedures. Dr. Maytorena specializes in “DiabesitySurgery” or weight loss procedures and surgeries that lead to common conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and joint pain.

For more information about weight loss and obesity or bariatric surgery facilities around the world, visit Find affordable weight loss treatments, programs and surgeries that enhance your quality of life.


Categories:   Chronic Disease Treatment, Gastric Bypass Surgery Latin America, Health Tourism, Medical Spas, Medical Tourism, Mexico Medical Tourism, Obesity | Bariatric Surgery Abroad, Weight Loss Programs


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