

Factors to Consider: Seeking Cancer Treatment Abroad

Options for excellent, accredited and highly trained cancer specialists when it comes to cancer treatments today are literally global. Costs of cancer care, treatments and drugs in the U.S. are extremely prohibitive, but no one should ever have to choose between their health and their savings account. When looking for a doctor abroad to help treat cancer, patients should look for cancer specialists. These specialists are trained in the field of oncology. Patients should look for experience, training, and that the specialist of their choice has been board-certified in specific areas of medicine. The physician who is board-certified in medical oncology or surgery will ensure their qualifications in their field.

In the United States, for example, radical prostatectomy and a radiation therapies often average up to $30,000. Newer treatments and protocols may be higher, depending on severity or stage of cancer at diagnosis, geographical location, and technology used. Laparoscopic prostatectomy may average around $8,000, and doesn’t include radiation or additional therapies that may be required for optimal prognosis.

International travelers may save up to 50% on costs of similar surgical procedures and drug treatment therapies. Affordable cancer treatment in India in locations such as the Artemis Health Institute in Gurgaon, as well as Jordan, the Ukraine and Thailand, and locations throughout some of the best cancer treatment hospitals in Mexico like Almater Hospital, located in Mexicali or Kent Hospital, located in Izmir, Turkey offer hope.

PlacidWay, a medical provider and resource, offers information about highly trained, certified and quality medical providers as well as options when it comes to cancer treatment and care abroad.

Categories:   Cancer Treatment Abroad, Chronic Disease Treatment, Health Tourism, India Medical Tourism, Jordan Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Turkey, Mexico Medical Tourism, Thailand Medical Tourism


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