

Eye Care Abroad


LASIK eye surgery is an outpatient procedure, with minimum complications. The procedure is a highly technical and effective technique that is able to eliminate significant visual impairment.  Both eyes can be done at the same time, although most surgeons require at least a few days in between. The procedure is relatively painless, and local anesthetic drops are used with a mild form of sedation. Some patients feel a need to sensation for a day or two afterward. LASIK eye surgery also replaces the use of scalpels in such a sensitive area of the body, reducing the number of complications that result from more traditional surgical procedures.


In the United States, LASIK eye surgery can run anywhere between $500-$1000 per eye. In most cases, vision insurance does not cover the procedure in the United States, although some vision care insurance companies are starting to add it to their policies.


However, international travelers may find great savings in cost for eye/Lasik care abroad, by searching for the best eye surgeons in Thailand, or for popular eye surgery hospitals in Costa Rica, or even the best eye care in Poland to the most affordable eye hospitals in Singapore, while still obtaining excellence and quality by visiting such destinations as the Ahalia Foundation Eye Hospital in Kerala, India or the Acibadem Healthcare Group in Istanbul, Turkey.


Corrective eye surgery is available for international medical travelers from Serbia to the Philippines, and from South Africa to Jordan and Guatemala. PlacidWay, an increasingly popular and resource for medical tourism, offers detailed profiles on such facilities, their treatments, costs and qualifications.


Categories:   Costa Rica Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Singapore, Medical Tourism Turkey, South America Medical Tourism, Thailand Medical Tourism


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